Jay’s Journal - Archive for the ‘news’ Category

Attention Musicians: Free Music Reference Tool!

~ February 26th, 2008 ~

Scales program is now up and operational and officially 1.0 so feel free to bang on it and let me know if you find any problems or have any suggestions via the contact form. See today’s Journal post for additional details :-)


Announcing “No Matter How Bad”

~ October 27th, 2007 ~

I’m posting here after a long quiet stretch to officially announce the opening of my new site in collaboration with Jay “Number Two” Cross and Joh6nn: No Matter How Bad..

I explained the site already over at NMHB so I’ll reproduce the salient part of the post here:

Quite simply, I’ve noticed in the past few months that almost every day I run across a story in the news that makes me think “no matter how bad your day was, it wasn’t this bad”. I’ve taken to sending links to stories that fit that description out to my friends as “today’s installment of no matter how bad your day was…”, and it occurred to me that it’d make a decently amusing blog or article site.

And so, “No Matter How Bad Your Day Was…It Wasn’t This Bad” was born as a website today! Hopefully between the three of us we can keep it updated on a regular basis and amusing and/or interesting enough to build up an audience. If you enjoy the site, please pass it around and let us know if there are improvements or ideas you have in mind. I’ll be setting up the admin side of the site over the next several days and make sure we have a proper contact form in place for ideas to come rolling in aside from the typical blog-style comments. Depending on the reader response, we may end up going with a discussion site format like slashdot, but only time will tell :-)
