Update 2014-06-16

Please note, this page references the old (and no longer relevant) AIMFix utility and is being left up for historical reasons. The tool is no longer being actively maintained and is NOT recommended for any version of Windows newer than Windows 2003.

AIMFix was created to remove all known AOL Instant Messenger-related viruses in one consolidated removal tool. It is designed to end the virus processes, delete the files, and remove registry keys created by the virus.

If you are concerned with the authenticity or safety of downloading AIMFix, I refer you to the "100% free" award AIMFix has garnered multiple times from Softpedia download archive, which certifies it free of all malware (viruses, trojans, and spyware). I have also created a users page where you can see a list of universities and organizations that use AIMFix. You can also search Google for my name or for AIMFix (or AIMFix) and you will find the millions of people who have been helped by AIMFix, as well as the dozens of Universities that officially support and recommend it.

AIMFix download:

File last updated on Mon May 23 17:16:51 2005

In November of 2003, the Realphx worm spread like...well, a virus, and was all over the web, hijacking people's AIM profiles and installing huge amounts of spyware on their computers. Thanks to Dave at, a removal tool was provided, called phxfix. However, only a matter of days later, a new worm appeared linking to This was a simple variant of the realphx worm, and as there was very little information available, I posted a simple page detailing removal steps.

That simple page suddenly started to get a LOT of hits, and links all over the web. My little webpage was all the sudden being visited by thousands, then hundreds of thousands, of people, all looking for help. I worked through various attempts at making removal tools for people, but they were spotty at best. Finally, I contacted Dave from RSAISP and he was kind enough to pass along the source code for his removal tool for me to use. Using that as a launching pad, I took a crash course on C++ for Windows and AIMFix was eventually born.

While only about five or six lines from the original phxfix code actually remain, without it I would never have been able to put together AIMFix. I also would like to thank Jon and Warren for all their help.

*DISCLAIMER*: These programs are provided at no charge, with no warranty, whether implied, imaginary, or otherwise. Should you use these programs, you use them at your own risk. I am not legally accountable in any way, shape, or form. By downloading them you are agreeing to remove certain files, which may or may not be related to ad-supported spyware/adware software. Your results may vary.

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