AIMFix has been updated several times today and last night to remove some new components. Aurora has mostly stopped cropping up, but it looks like the next big thing is pokapoka. It's been around a long time but no one seems to have made a removal tool for it, so I will try and take a look at this tonight. I've got a copy of the infecting file for it, so if I have time after hitting the gym, I'll load it up in a virtual windows install and track what changes it makes. Hopefully I can provide some kind of removal for it and help out those who are afflicted by pokapoka's various variants.

In related news, I was finally able to find out yesterday how to run code with full System privileges on 2000/XP machines, which should help with terminating stubborn processes and deleting files. Next on the chopping block is to improve the ability of AIMFix to scan files for virus infections. I'd like to have some kind of signature checking, which is how programs like antivirus scanners generally work, but it's a bit more complicated than my current methods, so we'll see :)

Will post later this evening if I get a chance to look at pokapoka's infection methods.
