As I'm sure at least some of you noticed, went down yesterday for an extended period. Unfortunately, so did every domain I manage through my hosting provider. Tektonic evidently had some nastiness happen with a large block of their IP addresses and had to reassign some customers new addresses. So, after something like two years of using the same IP, my DNS was suddenly pointing at the wrong addresses etc. And since I run my own DNS server too, the mess was compounded. I had to update my domain registration information and my DNS config, wait for that to propagate, etc. All in all, a really ugly situation. Can't say I'm happy about it and I'm a little peeved that things went so badly.

I've been otherwise pretty happy with tektonic for the past few years, so this was an especially displeasing turn of events. In any case, things should be back to normal now and I apologize to anyone who the outage may have affected. Not that my site is so groundbreaking or anything, but if nothing else I try to maintain uptime just for AIMFix users.

In other news, the site is now up and running under Clearsilver 10.4, the current release version. I ported over some changes I'd made to the previous 10.3 release I was running to ensure no loss of functionality, and things seem to be running nicely. If you happen to notice any gliches or issues do let me know through the contact form.

