It has come to my attention that some people are possibly unable to download AIMFix or seek virus help due to a piece of malware that shuts down the browser any time it detects certain words such as "virus" or "aimfix". Here's a description I received from an AIMFix user today:

I was unable to just download the file from your site becuase everytime i used the words "virus" or "aimfix" in the address bar or a search bar my browser would shut down. Eventually i downloaded the file from your website through a different computer and opened it through my jump drive.

Unfortunately there's not much I can do about this, since it will prevent people from even getting to my website at all. However, I have placed a new page at that contains only a link to - help.exe is simply AIMFix under a different name to try and prevent the malware code from recognizing it as such. Hopefully this will help some of you out there at least get a copy of AIMFix downloaded.

If anyone has any updates or further information, particularly an analysis of the worm/virus code involved, or a copy of the infecting files, I'd be very grateful for it :)
