Ok, I've been getting way too many questions about this, so I'm adding it as a news item, putting it on the contact page, and adding it to the virus info page as well.

If you are having trouble signing onto AIM after being infected with the Gabba-A "check this out" virus, there are two probably causes.

  1. AOL has suspended your account for sending out virus links, and you will have to get it unsuspended. The AIM terms of service do not allow the sending of virus links or mass IMs, and if you were infected with the virus, you were spamming other people with IMs and sending out virus links. Therefore, some people have had their account suspended by AOL for doing so. More information about this at eWeek.
  2. The virus also can change passwords and email accounts associated with your AIM screen name and thereby hijack the account. If this happens, there is no way to fix it with AIMFix, because the password is not stored on your computer. It is on AOL's servers, and the only people who have control over this are AOL's admins. You can try and contact them and see if they will help, but it is unlikely they can since you no longer have the password or contact info for the account.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news here, but there's just nothing I or anyone else can do about this one.
