Work on Phi Lambda Upsilon's new website continues...I've redesigned it (and I'll probably redesign it again) to look a little more professional. The next steps for me are to create a menu/submenu system that is editable through the content management system, and a php index of all the files in the web directory so they can be linked to, etc. Beyond that, just regular updates to the CMS as I try to pull better html code out of it and clean it up. This was the first time in a while I just didn't feel inspired while designing a just didn't seem "on" to me. On the other hand, I felt somewhat that way about the old black style for this website, and everyone really liked that one, so who knows. I'm still pretty content with, but I wouldn't be surprised if I decide to redesign that pretty soon too...I get bored rather quickly with how often I'm usually viewing my own design.

The PLU site also got a nifty new feature, in the form of a pdf creator and print version of each page. This was requested by the client, but I had a little fun figuring it out and I was quite happy to get it working in the end. I've debated implementing it on this site, but I really don't see much point - can't imagine people are out printing off pages from this site, or downloading them as pdfs. Maybe I'll do it anyway, just in case someone wants to download virus removal isntructions or Safe Mode instructions.
